« BOQ version updated
The latest FAQ'S published by various Government Departments, Directorates, Organisations, Institutions and local bodies of are listed here.
Online Enrolment
DSC Related
1. How much time is required for the new DSC to be recognised by the eProcurement portal ?

At the time of enrollment in this e-Procurement portal, the Bidders should ensure that the status of DSC is active on this site. The activation of newly issued DSC may take up to 24 hrs. Hence users who are obtaining new DSCs should register at least 24 hrs in advance to avoid last minute problems in enrollment.
2. If the enrolled DSC gets expired and if I get a new DSC, how to map with the existing registered loginid ?

a) Scenario I - When old DSC has expired and user has got new DSC :If the enrolled DSC has expired, the system automatically inactivates the same and prompts for another DSC to be enrolled (afresh) at the next login.b) Scenario II -When old DSC is due for expiry and user has got new DSC :If the user wants to register with a new DSC, when the existing DSC is due for expiry, first login to the system with the Old DSC. Click on DSC information from the Dash board and click on remove. Then logout of the system. Now login again,the system prompts to enroll DSC and the new DSC can be enrolled. Caution : Never remove the Old encryption from the device. The old encryption certificates lying in the eToken must not be deleted. They should always be retained. Any of the tenders which have been configured with these old certificates as bid openers cannot be opened, if certificates have been deleted from the token.
3. Can I use the same DSC in enrolling for more than one loginid in the same site ?

No, at any point of time only one DSC can be mapped with one user account.
4. I already have purchased one DSC for use in other etendering system. Can I use the same DSC for this portal ?

Yes. As long as the DSC is valid and as per the requirements of the eProcurement portal, the same can be enrolled in this site.
5. Whether soft copy of Encryption Certificate should be taken from DSC Service Provider?(For Department User) ?

Please refer to FAQs available on CCA website http://www.cca.gov.in/cca/?q=Faq.html under Digital Signature Certificate.

The same is reproduced again:

Yes, The signature and encryption certificate should be separate for a Department User. The encryption keys are to be generated at the subscribers system and should be archived prior to transfer into crypto-medium. The signature keys should be generated in the crypto-medium and should not be copied.

Hence, during procurement of DSC, Concerned User must ensure to keep the soft copy of Encryption Certificate in safe custody like mail, CD or pendrive.
6. What is the best practice in renewal of DSC pertaining to Department User? ?

If Department User has to renew DSC on its expiry, it is advised to get DSC in new token with old token kept intact. In case, Department User is getting the new Certificates in old token only, then kindly ensure that old Encryption certificate are not deleted as the same Encryption Certificate would be required during opening of tenders in which bids are encrypted with old encryption certificates.
7. What if my DSC gets blocked ?

DSC gets blocked after certain no of unsuccessful attempts of entering the wrong PIN. A blocked DSC cannot be used in the e-tendering system unless it is unblocked. To unblock your DSC please contact the service provider who has issued the DSC.
8. When I Connect to the site with https://<URL> I get an error message. How do I overcome this problem ?

As per the IT Act, the site uses SSL certificate issued by CA, India. Few of the browsers trust the certificates and few of them are in the process of trusting the same. You may kindly download the Trust Chain from the download link and trust these once, (A write up on trusting is also made available in the downloads), after that these error messages will not appear.
9. Whether Digital Signature (DSC) of one agency can be used for uploading of bid documents of another company or agency? ?

No. DSC of one company or agency cannot be used for uploading of bid documents by another company or agency. If it is used, the same is illegal under Information Technology Act (IT ACT) and will attract offenses as per the provisions of the IT ACT. In case of a Consortium or Joint Venture (JV), if a company has authorized an Individual as one of their DSC holders to submit bid on their behalf, the same is allowed. However, the bidder should submit an authorization, signed by both parties as part of the bid document indicating the permission to participate in the Consortium or Joint Venture tender as a participant.
10. Can International firm upload their proposals on e-procurement portal with DSC which is not issued by Indian firm/ not registered with this e-proc portal ?

As per the IT ACT, this eprocurement portal does not allow to register any DSC issued by CAs other than Indian CAs. However, Some of our Certifying agencies issue DSC for foreigners without visiting India. The details of which are already made available under the Downloads link of this portal.
11. Can a foreign bidder or a foreign consultant get DSC from their respective country i.e. any country outside India ?

No. The same is not allowed to be registered in this portal.
12. Can international consultant (out side India) get DSC through on line ?

YES. Pl refer to the link https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app (S.No. 13, DSC for Foreign Bidders under downloads). Hence the Foreign Bidder / Consultant can get the Indian DSC issued and participate in our tender without visiting India.
Tender Related
Security Related
Foreign Bidders Related
User Account Related
Mobile App Related
Bid Openers Related
Visitor No:1939199
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