« BOQ version updated
The latest FAQ'S published by various Government Departments, Directorates, Organisations, Institutions and local bodies of are listed here.
Online Enrolment
DSC Related
Tender Related
1. How to view / download Tender documents without logging into the system ?

Click on the Latest Active Tenders, and search the tender you are interested in using certain search criteria. To download the tender documents click on view button and click on the tender documents. The system will ask you for the user name and password. You can use the guest account guest with the password Guest#08 and click on any of the active tenders and download the required documents. However, it is advised to login to the system and download the tender documents so that corrigendum/addendum if published will be automatically mailed to you.
2. How do I get clarifications for any doubt regarding Tenders Portal ?

For tender related doubts, please gt in touch with the Tender Inviting Authority through eMail given in the tender. For system related technical doubts please contact 24x7 Help line at 0120-4200462, 0120-4001002, +91-8826246593
3. What is the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded as a bid document in a packet in the eProcurement portal ?

The application does not impose any restriction on the size of bid document that can be uploaded into the portal. However, the upload limit is decided by the Network speed that the client system has and also the memory configurations that have been defined in the system for Java Runtime Environment(JRE). For better operational convenience, based on the field experience, if bids of larger sizes are to be uploaded in a tender, it is suggested that the number of documents in a packet or cover may be kept up to 4 or 5 documents and the bidder may be asked to upload a maximum of 40 MB per file and not exceeding 120 MB per Packet. This will result in better operational efficiencies.It is also suggested that the files while scanning may be scanned at less than 100 DPI resolution in black and white which will result in smaller file sizes.
4. How to verify the genuineness of EMD, other technical documents, Samples etc. received through e-Procurement system ?

In the e-Procurement portal, the technical and financial bid documents submitted by the bidders are digitally signed using their authorized officials valid Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs), which as per the IT Act, can be considered equivalent to the physical signature of an individual. For the Earnest Money Deposit, we advise the procuring entities to ask the bidder to submit invite a scanned copy of the draft / cheque / bank guarantee along with the electronic bid and also to submit a physical copy of the EMD (only) either in person or by post / courier. This can be verified with the uploaded scanned copy. Samples of any sort cannot be invited online and the procuring entities must ask the bidders to submit a physical copy of any samples. It is upto the procuring entities to verify their genuineness as per the norms they have been following so far.
5. What steps are to be taken by an Organisation, if they need to publish World Bank (WB)/ Asian Development Bank (ADB)/MDB funded tenders on CPP Portal? ?

If an Organisation has to float World Bank Funded tenders, then an Organisation structure has to be mapped on CPP Portal as per World Bank /ADB guidelines in which below properties will be enabled:

1. Disable the Visibility of Technical Documents submitted by Bidder to participating Bidders - This would not be applicable for Single Cover Tender, Department may publish the tender with two or more as Number of Covers on the portal.

2. Multi-Currency option

3. Same day Opening as Bid Submission End Date on the portal

If an Organisation is also using NICs eProcurement software for publishing of their Normal Tenders, then they need to get new Nodal officer and new User Accounts created under World Bank/ ADB Hierarchy, and new DSCs are to be mapped with their accounts, separate from the DSCs which have been already mapped in normal tendering Hierarchy of their Organisation.

For creation of World Bank / ADB Hierarchy, please send the mail to cppp-nic[at]nic[dot]in
6. Whether my Technical Document and Financial Document is encrypted and Stored ?

signed and uploaded. The Documents uploaded in the Other Important Documents (OID) are digitally signed. All documents including the technical document and Financial documents are encrypted and safely stored using the PKI technology. It remains in encrypted format, till the bid opening date and time and cannot be seen by anyone till such time.
7. As a department user, by mistake I have rejected a bidder or the due to legal issues, the Tender Inviting Authority is forced to go back to previous stage and open a rejected bidder at the Technical / Financial Stage? Whether it is allowed and if so how ?

Yes. The system has the facility and is carried out using a Corrigendum. This corrigendum is Tender Revocation Corrigendum. When the tender is in advanced stage, the TIA can invoke this corrigendum based on the need and those who have participated in this tender are informed about this procedure by mail. The TIA can continue the process in the same way as before after accepting the rejected bidder. This is to be used in emergencies such as Court rulings or inadvertent errors. However, all activities are mailed to the respective stake holders.
8. I generated the BoQ Comparative Chart. I found that one of the Bidders data is not getting reflected in the Comparative chart. How to handle ?

The System generates the comparative chart from the BoQ uploaded by the bidders. If the Bidder makes any mistake in the Sheet Name or any of the values, then the system will not be able to read the data from the BoQ uploaded and hence may get missed out from the Comparative Chart. The Department user may take a decision to accept or reject that depending on the nature of mistake and regenerate the Comparative chart manually and upload this comparative chart along with the Financial Summary which can be seen by the General Public. T-8) A Tender is published and cancelled after few days of publishing. How will I know the same?A tender when cancelled, it has to be cancelled using the Tender Cancellation corrigendum. The system will display this Cancellation corrigendum in this portal for a period of say 1 week from the date of publishing of the Cancellation Corrigendum.
9. Visibility of Bid Documents submitted by Participating Bidders in a Tender. ?

As per instructions from Min of Finance, Participating Bidders will be able to view each Others submitted Documents after Technical Opening of the tender. However, if the tender involves matter of Bidders Confidentiality or IPR or any secret information then an approval from Vigilance Officer/ CFO/Competent Authority is required and this option of hiding the bid documents visibility can be configured accordingly, before the creation of tender on the portal.

Such requests may be sent to cppp-nic[at]nic[dot]in.

Note:This would not be applicable for Single Cover Tender.
Security Related
Foreign Bidders Related
User Account Related
Mobile App Related
Bid Openers Related
Visitor No:1939199
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